The Rev. Dr. Paul K. Hubbard, Rector
The Reverend Hubbard is a long-time Virginian, Paul Hubbard was confirmed in 1976 at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Norfolk. After a 20-year Naval career, Paul attended seminary to prepare for service as an Anglican Priest. He holds a Sacrae Theologiae Doctor and a Master of Theology (Summa Cum Laude) from St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary, and a Bachelor of Science from Excelsior College in New York with a major in Sociology.
Theologically, his academic emphasis has been in the area of the literary and historical integrity of the New Testament materials. His Master’s thesis, The Jonas Genre, proposes a linguistic solution to the “Synoptic Problem.” His doctoral dissertation, From Exodus to Eisodus, proposes a linguistic solution to the problem of the author of Hebrews. His postdoctoral work is a linguistic analysis of the Johannine Corpus, A Vesture Dipped in Blood, which seeks to unravel questions concerning the authorship of the Gospel, the epistles and the Revelation that bear his name, and the contextual relationship of this corpus to the rest of the New Testament materials. Hubbard has recently published The Koine Conversation, which focuses on a new way to study the New Testament materials using current computer programs and technologies. He has also recently published The Genesis Genre, which attempts to integrate the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis with the spirituality and theology of the New Testament.
On October 6th, 2013, Dr. Hubbard was appointed as the President of St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary as its 8th President. In 2018, Hubbard left St Andrew’s to form a new seminary – St Timothy’s Theological College and Seminary – focusing on academics and research and practical ministry training.
Paul is married and has seven children. He and his wife, Jeanne, met in a church choir and continue to sing in church and in the Virginia Choral Society (along with two of their children).